A Detailed Description of the Ayurvedic Treatment for Slip Disc

A slipped disc is a vertebral disc that has ruptured or been damaged as a result of pressure from the vertebrae above and below it. The cushioned, cushion-like intervertebral discs serve as shock absorbers and are located between the vertebrae. The most typical signs of a slipped disc are localised discomfort, numbness, and tingling. Slipped discs often affect the lumbar (lower back) areas, although they can also affect the thoracic (upper back) and neck (cervical).

Snehana (oleation), swedana (sweat therapy), pizhichil (oil massage), shirodhara (pouring liquids or oils over the head), nasya (nasal insufflation), basti (enema), and dhanyamla dhara are used in the slip disc ayurvedic treatment (pouring warm medicated liquids on the affected body part). Shunthi (dry ginger), rasna (Indian camphorweed), ashwagandha (Indian ginseng), guduchi (heart-leaved moonseed), Dashmoola Kwatha, Bruhadvatachintamai rasa, and Trayodashanga guggulu are a few of the herbs and medications used to cure slipped discs.

Ayurvedic Perspective on Slip Disc

Wear and strain brought on by growing older is the most frequent cause of a slipped disc. Very infrequently, it can be brought on by damage to the intervertebral discs and the backbone. According to Ayurveda, vata, one of the three doshas that make up the body, is necessary for healthy bodily motions and functioning. Age-related vata aggravation results in decreased bodily tissue quality, tissue degradation, and a variety of vata illnesses. It is thought that a slipped disc is brought on by this vata aggravation. The primary goals of ayurvedic treatments for slipped discs are to reduce this exacerbated dosha and mend the body’s tissues.

Slip Disc Ayurvedic Treatment


Different techniques are used in this therapy to make patients sweat.

Swedana opens up the body’s channels, liquefies and frees ama (toxins) from tissues, and then transports it to the digestive system. Panchakarma is then used to evacuate this ama from the body (five therapies).

Swedana is utilised as the primary therapy for many diseases, especially those brought on by an excess of vata. It removes the heaviness, stiffness, and coldness in the body. Because of this, it works well for treating slipping discs.

Swedana can be carried out by putting a poultice consisting of the proper herbs to the afflicted regions or by utilising different equipment, such as a hot cloth, metal items, or warm hands. It can also be done by applying steam or warm herbal liquid directly to the area of the body that is afflicted.


Snehana is an ayurvedic massage technique that uses herbal oils and is applied to the entire body or the area of the body that is afflicted.

The pain and other illness symptoms are lessened by this therapy.

One of the methods used most frequently to do external oleation is abhyanga (oil massage). Abhyanga strengthens bones, tissues, and ligaments while harmonising and balancing the vitiated vata. It reduces discomfort and boosts the body’s inherent capacity for healing. Additionally, abhyanga relieves weariness and unwinds the body and mind.

Sesame oil is frequently employed in abhyanga to cure illnesses with a vata origin.

Greeva and Kati Bastei

In this method, heated medicinal oil is poured inside a flour frame that is put over the afflicted area. To maintain the skin at a specified temperature, the oil is replenished periodically and allowed to remain in contact with the skin for a set amount of time.

Skin oleation and perspiration calm agitated doshas and remove ama. As a result, it is helpful in the treatment of vata diseases like a slipped disc since it decreases weight, stiffness, and discomfort.

This technique is referred to as greeva basti when it helps to treat the neck and shoulders and as kati basti when it helps to treat the back. In those with cardiac problems, this surgery is safe and has no negative effects.

Both of these procedures increase the injured part’s flexibility, blood circulation, and smooth movement. They soothe and revitalise muscles while reducing musculoskeletal tension. In treating disc lesions, they are also helpful.


Pizhichil is an Ayurvedic therapy that includes two licenced therapists rhythmically rubbing the patient’s body with lukewarm herbal oil.

This massage is performed in a chair designed specifically for this purpose, both laying down and sitting.

For the best healing results, it should be done for around 10 days.Shirodhara

This treatment includes repeatedly pouring a medicinal liquid over the forehead.

The kind of liquid used for shirodhara varies depending on the person.

This method aids in stress relief and mental calmness. It encourages mental tranquility and enhances sleep, which is impeded in the majority of painful illnesses.


Herbal solutions are injected into the nasal cavity during this operation. This is because injecting anything through the nose will directly influence the head because the nose is thought of as the entryway to the head.

Through the rectal method, liquids like medicinal oils and herbal concoctions are administered to the gut.Liquids like medicinal oils and herbal mixtures are given to the gut through the rectal route.

By clearing the colon, this technique helps the body get rid of ama and aggravating doshas. Getting rid of these things is good for your health because they are the main causes of most diseases.

The Dhara of Dhanyam

A medicinal liquid made from grains such as Dhanya (cereals) and amalaki (amla or Indian gooseberry) is applied to the injured body area during this technique.

Dhanyamla, navara rice (a kind of rice), citrus fruits, shunthi (dry ginger), and millet are knotted into a poultice and cooked in water to make this medicinal beverage. The operation is subsequently carried out using this water, which has been cooled to a lukewarm temperature.

Dhanyamala therapy typically lasts 7 to 14 days, however, it may go longer depending on the patient’s needs.

This technique addresses bodily aches and muscular spasms while enhancing blood circulation. It revitalizes the body and strengthens the immune system.

It is typically advised for treating vata-kapha issues and can be used to treat a slipped disc.

Sophie Brown

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