What Causes Neck Pain?

Neck pain

It’s a common scene in the lives of many Americans: you’re checking your email while sitting at your computer at work while trying to avoid searing neck pain and headaches. Given that two-thirds of individuals have neck pain at some time in their life, neck pain, also known as cervicalgia, is one of the most common complaints people have and one of the main reasons they visit a pain management practitioner (Binder, 2007). Thankfully, the highly skilled pain management specialists at Wake Spine & Pain Specialists have years of unmatched experience treating neck pain patients to bring lasting relief. We look forward to creating a successful treatment plan for you that will hasten your recovery and restore quality of life.

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Physiology of the Neck

The neck is the weakest and most flexible part of the spine, making it particularly vulnerable to acute (immediate) or chronic (long-term) damage. Because it supports the globe of the head, the uppermost vertebra, C1, or the Atlas, is named after the Atlas of Greek mythology, the primaeval Titan who upheld the skies. Axis, or C2, the vertebra right below the atlas, acts as the pivot on which the atlas swings, allowing for head movement. Tight muscles in the region can result from issues with these two highest vertebrae, which can cause neck discomfort.

Muscles and Ligaments in the Spine

Myofascial damage in accompanying muscles and ligaments is the most frequent cause of acute neck discomfort. Some of the factors that contribute to unpleasant tension in the cervical connective tissues include repetitive motion, bad posture, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, and heavy lifting. The neck, shoulders, arms, and hands may experience discomfort, numbness, and tingling as a result of local nerve irritation brought on by excessive strain. Specific areas of the head and face may experience pain and sensory impairments when nerves that emerge from the cervical vertebrae are irritating.

Strains or tears in the muscles and ligaments can occur as a consequence of sudden falls or car accidents, which can be quite painful. Whiplash is a type of neck trauma that is frequently brought on by falls and rear-end car accidents. In whiplash, the head is forcefully snapping back to its previous position after being propelling forward by a sudden force from the rear. Whiplash can cause neck, shoulder, and back discomfort, stiffness, numbness, tingling, burning, damage to muscles, ligaments, and facet joints, difficulties with the intervertebral discs, irritation of the nerve roots, and even brain injury. Neck discomfort, for example, may start to show up right away after an accident or a few days later.

the spine

The spine’s vertebrae give the spinal cord and back a flexible, supporting framework. At unique connections known as facets, these bones link or articulate seamlessly with one another. A facet joint’s articular and transverse processes make up each one. A vertebra’s articular processes consist of two superior (pointing upward) processes that are connecting to two inferior (pointing downward) processes from the vertebral body above. These actions extend outward and are perceptible through the skin. Each vertebra has two transverse processes, which act as places of attachment for ligaments and muscles.

Each vertebra has a central hole for the spinal cord to pass through, as well as openings on either side for the spinal nerves and blood vessels. Age-related bone degeneration and excessive usage can cause painful facet joint friction and compression of nerves that leave the spinal column.

Arthritic discomfort in the cervical facet joints might occur sometimes. Facet joint arthritis is a disorder where the cartilaginous tissues between each joint have broken down, causing painful, damaging friction between the facet joint processes. These tissues offer a smooth cartilage surface and a lubricating fluid in healthy joints, which aid in fluid movement. When these tissues deteriorate, the bone surfaces rub against one another, impeding motion and resulting in discomfort and stiffness, which are frequently made worse by extending the head backward. Neck arthritis symptoms often start to show up around the age of 40, however trauma might cause them to develop sooner. When you purchase generic Lyrica online from Smartfinil, you could save money.

spinal discs

Intervertebral disc issues are another source of neck discomfort. Flexible intervertebral discs, which are filled with a soft, gelatinous material, are situating between adjacent vertebrae. The spinal column may move more easily and smoothly because of the cushioning effect of these discs. A disc may bulge out of position when there is too much pressure on it, causing localized nerve irritation and compression of the spinal cord. This condition is known as a bulging disc. An intervertebral disc’s malleable inner material can occasionally pass through the weaker area of the disc as a result of a disc tear or softening in the outer fibrous layer of the disc. The term “herniated disc” refers to this condition. Similar to a bulging disc, a herniated disc irritates nearby nerves and compresses the spinal cord, resulting in discomfort.

When cervical spinal nerve roots are compressing due to disc issues or other causes, pain frequently travels the whole length of the nerve. This pain, known as radiculitis, is commonly referring to as “shooting” since it emanates from the spine. For instance, a crushed cervical nerve may cause arm discomfort.

Untreated radiculitis may eventually lead to problems such muscular atrophy, altered reflexes, and sensory loss. Additionally, a patient can start to favour their unaffected side, which would result in an overgrowth of unaffected muscles. Radiculopathy, a more serious disorder affecting the nerve roots, emphasises how crucial it is to get medical attention for radiating nerve pain.

Other Neck Pain Causes

Another chronic illness that can cause neck discomfort is spinal stenosis. Pathological spinal canal narrowing causes spinal stenosis, which causes the spinal cord to experience excruciating pressure. The problem may be brought on by a number of factors, such as spine arthritis, herniating discs, congenital anomalies (abnormalities present at birth), and Paget’s disease, a bone ailment characterising by abnormal bone tissue breakdown and regeneration. If you have central spinal stenosis, the narrowing of the spinal canal is taking place in the middle of the canal, according to your doctor’s diagnosis. If the type of spinal stenosis you have is “neural foraminal” or “neuroforaminal stenosis,” the spinal nerves that leave via the foramen, or holes on the sides of the vertebrae, are being affecting by the constriction.

Osteoporosis, an age-related problem where bones weaken and become more brittle owing to a decrease in bone mass, is another neck condition that causes discomfort. The likelihood of painful spinal compression fractures and inflaming nerves is increasing by this weakening. Following a bone fracture, osteoporosis can be identifing by utilizing imaging and bone density assays. Early osteoporosis treatment helps to reduce the risk of deformity, back discomfort, shattered vertebrae, and other fractures. Visit site